Copper Iris
Copper Iris Picture courtesy of Michael J. Von Gebel |
Copper Iris
Copper Iris Iris fulva is found in freshwater, in marshes, stream banks, field
or roadside ditches, drainage canals, swamps and wet pastures.
It is normally found in water up to 6 inches deep. Iris fulva is
listed as 'threatened' in Illinois. This is due to the loss of
habitat. Which are under threat from dredging operations, also
swamps being drained.
I keep this planted next to my bird bath as I dump the
water daily to put fresh water in the bird bath. This does keep
the soil sufficiently damp. The leaves die back in August as the
plant blooms and then reappear when it is finished and remain
green through the winter.
I purchased my root stock for the Copper Iris from
Prairie Moon Nursery in Winona, MN. While I don’t endorse
businesses I have had great success with root stock I have
purchased from them.