The following are the names of those who have paid $1.00 for the Patriot in advance. RYDER, Sylvester; BROWN, Wm.; BAKER, John D.; DRAKE, Aaron; DOUGLASS, Wm. W.; FITZGERREL, John F.; GREEN, Conrad; HARLAN, Wm. E.; KING, Thomas; LOWREY, John; SAMPSON, Wm. M.; FRIEND, Mrs. C. A.; SMITH, Beverly; HUTCHINS, B.; CONNAR, David; FLICK, Michael; STEPHENS, Job D.; HARRIS, Sion; MILNER, Harmon; COPE, Samuel; ENYART, Mrs. Harriet; BAIRD, Geo. H.; ROOD, David; FISHEL, John; MOUTRY, James; TRAVIS, Henry; HOPKINS, C. C.; SIMS, James; BRANCH, Jasper; KURTZ, Jacob; LAKIN, John; BAIRD, J. W.; McCLUNG, Ephraim; POWLES, Wm., Sr.; CREWS, Nathan; CREWS, Wm.; RIDER, L. D.; CRAMER, S. S.; CHAMBERLAIN, T. J.; JOHNSON, George W.; OWEN, George Receipts for subscription to the Patriot will be published regularly each week. Should there be any omissions, we request those interested, to notify us of our neglect at their earliest leisure. The Patriot Newspaper Fairfield, Illinois Wednesday, February 20, 1856 Submitted by Betty Beeson January 2016